Object: Programma Inaugurale. Rectore Fridericianae Magnificentissimo, Serenissimo Principe Ac Domino, Dn. Friderico Wilhelmo, Marchione Brandenburgico, Et Electoratus Haerede, &c. &c. &c. Ex Collegii Theologici Decreto Eiusdem h.t. Decanus Joach. Iustus Breithaupt, S.Th.D.P.P. & Semin. Th. Dir. Consil. Consist. Elect. in Ducat. Magdeb. Academiae h.t. Prorector, Ad Disputationem Inauguralem Viri Admodum Reverendi Atque Amplissimi, Dn. Joh. Iusti Kiskeri, S. Theol. & Prim. Phil. Professoris in Acad. Hasso-Schaumburg. Publ. Ordinarii, De Unione Mystica, Ad d. Iul. An. MDCXVIII. horis ante- & pomeridianis publice habendam Auditores Illustrissimos, Amplissimos, Nobilissimos, solenniter invitat


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