Ad Virvm Magnificvm Et Illvstrem Danielem Haecks Ivris Vtrivsqve Doctorem Celeberrimvm Inclytae Rei Pvblicae Lvbecensis Consvlem Primarivm Immortaliter Meritvm Protoscholarcham Gravissimvm Reliqva Nvptias Avspicatissimas Cvm Virgine Nobilissima Et Decoribvs Svi Sexvs Qvibvslibet Ornatissima Catharina Dorothea Ex Gente Rammiorvm A. D. IX. Jan. MDCCLXX. Favstis Ominibvs Celebrantem Epistola Qva Disqviritvr Cvr De Conivgvm Officiis Cicero In Svis Officiorvm Libris Nihil Praeceperit ...
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